Changing your CeroWrt IP Addresses, DNS settings, SSID

Changing interfaces, router name, your ip addresses or SSID are tedious using the default web interface, and it is much faster to do it at the command line.

The Automated Configuration of CeroWrt page provides a script that systematically changes these addresses, as well as configuring other aspects of the router in a single step.

Changing your IP subnets using sed

sed -i s#172.30.42#$NEWIP#g /etc/config/* /etc/babel* 

Say, for example, you wanted to have a 192.168.1 layout (not that we recommend you do this):

sed -i s#172.30.42#192.168.1#g /etc/config/* /etc/babel* 

Note that this preserves the /27 networks (so that ethernet devices need to be in the 1-31 range) which we think is a good idea regardless, due to the multicast issue.

Changing your CeroWrt domain via sed

You can also change the default ‘home.lan’ domain to something else using sed.

sed -i s#home.lan#$NEWNAME#g /etc/config/* /etc/hosts 

Changing your SSID globally

CeroWrt has a multitude of network interfaces enabled. The SSIDs all contain the string “CEROwrt”, and it’s hard to change the SSID via the web interface. However, if you want your own SSIDs, another sed command will get you there.

sed -i s#CEROwrt#YOURNEWSSID#g /etc/config/wireless

Note: After doing any of these modifications your router will be thoroughly confused unless you reboot, so reboot.

Update 23Sep2014: Removed /etc/chroot/named/etc/bind/*/* from the DNS and subnet examples as we no longer use bind.

To edit this page, submit a pull request to the Github repository.
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