CeroWrt was a research project intended to spin up new functionality into a single, conventional, home router. Nearly everything in the 3.10.50-1 release (and later) was pushed into OpenWrt “Barrier Breaker”, which supports thousands of different router types, however a few things are different, notably cerowrt routes, rather than bridges everything.
Let’s say you have an existing CeroWrt box, and you want to add an Access Point elsewhere on your network. For the sake of this example, we’ll use a Ubnt Picostation, which is a good outdoor access point, with a single ethernet interface, and that you are configuring it from a linux laptop.
via the firmware upload web interface (it’s on or via the classic tftp update method.
This will get a basic load of the BB OS in place, which you can telnet to on or access via the (unencrypted by default) web gui
scp from your laptop the babels package you downloaded earlier to /tmp.
opkg install /tmp/babel*
/etc/init.d/babeld enable # but don’t start it yet
While you are here, take your generated ssh public key, and put it in /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys
In this example I will use 172.20.6 throughout. pick your own address range that doesn’t conflict with the cerowrt setup, preferably one inside the same /16 cero is in.
sed -i s/192.168.1⁄172.20.6/g /etc/config/*
edit the /etc/config/dhcp file and tell it to “ignore ‘1’” on both interfaces for now
This is an interior router, no need to firewall, particularly during
Feel free to copy the firewall script to a backup, you might want to do
some stuff later on it.
Make /etc/config/firewall look like this.
config defaults
option input 'ACCEPT'
option output 'ACCEPT'
option forward 'ACCEPT'
opkg update # should grab the openwrt BB database if dns is working
opkg install snmpd # if you intend to monitor the system with snmp
opkg install netperf tcpdump-mini # also optional. I like to test with netperf and look at stuff with tcpdump
By default openwrt bridges rather than routes. We want to route.
IMPORTANT: The babel protocol uses the BSSID rather than the SSID to tie radios together, so you need to specify the same one that’s on cerowrt.
Hit the web gui and add in the appropriate time.
do an opkg list | less and see if there are other packages you’d like to add
You can either disable the gui (I generally do this), or add ssl support to it