Bug #246

Disabling a interface disables all interfaces on the same radio

Added by Richard Smith on Aug 23, 2011. Updated on Apr 21, 2012.
Closed Normal Dave Täht


From reading other bug reports I see this is in a “Don’t do that” status right now. But this should eventually be fixed

I wanted to disable the open CEROwrt-guest and CEROwrt5-guest interfaces while leaving the CEROwrt and CEROwrt5 active. However if you disable the *-guest interface via the gui then you disable all interfaces for that radio.


Updated by Dave Täht on Aug 23, 2011.
The most straightforward thing to do at present is to put an unrememberable password on those interfaces and put them in wpa mode.

It really mucks with several levels to delete interfaces, notably with the firewall rules.

Updated by Dave Täht on Aug 23, 2011.
That said, I HAVE in the past been able to remove individual interfaces without nuking the entire config.

I will verify against the rc6 candidate.

Updated by Richard Smith on Aug 23, 2011.
Dave Täht wrote:

It really mucks with several levels to delete interfaces, notably with the firewall rules.

This bug is not for deleting the interfaces. I’m setting the disable option to 1.

I put delete interfaces into a different bug.

Updated by Dave Täht on Aug 23, 2011.
Thank you for clarifying that. I’ll take a look in my next smoke test of rc6
Updated by Dave Täht on Sep 17, 2011.
09/17/2011 09:33:51 AM) swalker: syncing mac80211.sh to https://dev.openwrt.org/changeset/28198 looks good for https://www.bufferbloat.net/issues/246

will fix in rc7

Updated by Dave Täht on Sep 25, 2011.
This will hopefully be fixed in the first rc7 smoketest.
Updated by Richard Smith on Sep 25, 2011.
Tried to test with rc7 smoke1 but was unable to because when I go to the network tab in the web UI it hangs and I eventually have to let the browser (tried both chrome and firefox) kill the script. I’ll retry in the next smoketest.
Updated by Dave Täht on Sep 26, 2011.
@richard: I’ll let you know when I have a stable smoketest to test. rc7-smoketest2 has problems, too, but not the one you’ve hit.
Updated by Dave Täht on Apr 21, 2012.
I’ll argue that most of the last several months builds would do the right thing here.

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